When You Do Something Wrong

When you do something wrong, the evil leaves you and goes out into the word. Accordingly, you get a reaction from the world. You get punished, then a shoulder to cry on, and eventually help and guidance to get back on track and do good. 

It is hard to love yourself, when you do something wrong. You may even feel you’re not good enough for other people. Because you want to do your family and friends right. So if you don’t live up to your own expectations of how kind and selfless you should be, you take yourself down and distance yourself from the closest people to you. Then comes the deep dark endless hole, where you sink and keep sinking.

Until your mindset changes. Because it’s your mind that created this hole in the first place. It’s you that declared yourself not good enough and unworthy of love. And that’s wrong. 

Think about it this way: Every mistake makes you a better person. Whether an unintended slip-up or things done at fault, regretting, repenting and refraining from repeating, makes you a better person. Looking back, the trouble I personally had really was a valuable lesson that taught me about other people and myself. Having been in this situation, like countless other people, I am more compassionate now. I can be more helpful and supportive. Isn’t that great? Don’t you recognize the priceless lessons in mistakes now? 

However, it’s not all rosy. Of course not, we’re talking about mishaps! One thing that ought to be said is that people lead different lives, so don’t force yourself to understand someone. Don’t project their suffering on yourself, you know? Be there for them instead of being there instead of them. Both of your well-being matters. Besides, no one suffering can relieve another’s calamity. 

Moreover, don’t expect everyone to understand you and accept your changing. Just like you shouldn’t raise the bar for yourself to inhuman perfection, don’t have unrealistic expectations for others. Point is, we’re all human. We do good and sometimes we do bad. What matters is that we do good again, together.  


  1. wow, last words really hit the nail.
    Also the part about projecting their pain onto you and forcing your perception onto them really spoke to me… :)


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