Your Fashion Style: How to find it, buy it, wear it and own it !

Have you struggled with deciding on what fashion style you like and want to wear? Do you have an idea of what you like but somehow don’t manage to find yourself wearing what you love? 

Today I share with you the answers I have found to these questions and I share with you how to find, purchase, wear and own your unique fashion style. 

Why aren’t you wearing your dream style? 

For starters, who defines your style? - It is you yourself, but also your peers, your community and the stores you buy from. All these influences define your fashion sense. But it is your duty to refine that sense. To be smart and own it.

When deciding on your style to wear you have to ask yourself if it is age appropriate. Can your outfit  inspiration work with your lifestyle? The things you do and the places you go? 

How to find you style

Surf Pinterest and pin all the outfits you like onto a board or save them to your camera roll. Pining is a great way to see more of what you like and saving the looks you love onto your camera roll gets handy when shopping. 

I personally have two albums in my camera roll. One titled: What I wear (for the outfits I like and inspiration). 

The other one is labeled On the List ( for the pictures where a specific item is visible. I can then look for it in stores. It’s like my shopping basket). 

Now when finding your personal style I recommend you do some research on what fits your body shape. My absolute recommendation when it comes to what fits your body shape is a technique I have seen on Jenny Mustards youtube. Disregarding all those guidelines on what you should wear, you decide for yourself what parts of your body you love and want to define. If you like your shoulders for example then you can buy T-shirts with shoulder pads to dramatize and accentuate those shoulders. Same goes for whatever part of your body you like.

(Check out my blog post on how to love all of your body: )

How to buy your style

What I love to do is to go on safaris in the shopping mall. Checking out and studying the Zaras and H&Ms is actually one of my favorite things to do. These stores are great to purchase your building blocks with, the basics. Not the key pieces that show your style. 

How to wear your style

To never bore, apply new techniques like layering to your dressing style. Also experiment with dressing up and down while remaining loyal to your style. To always stay true to your fashion sense you want to have key pieces. Your key pieces are to be perfect and timeless. To feel luxurious and rich. To find those, go off the beaten path and discover new and local stores both online and on the streets. 

You are on a quest to finding your own brand. 

How to own your style

Add your unique touch. Now that is greatly defined by your own life. Like history, heritage, childhood, what you watch on tv, your tiktok feed, all of that. 

My most important wish for you is to never lose your touch. That is what makes you stand out from the crowd and shine. 

And who knows maybe you’ll be designing the next Tommy Hilfiger collection like Gigi and Zendaya!


Fashion Staples to have:


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