It’s time you took control of your mind
Just like with your body you want to be aware of what you feed your mind.
Just like how you want to eat healthier, eat more fruits and veggies, cut back unnecessary fats and meat; you also want to nourish your mind with spiritual nutrition that is good for you. You want to cut back one the doubt, the negative emotions and the fear. You want to think in a way that is good for you. Because yes, too often we think in a way that holds us back, that fosters feelings of emptiness, hopelessness and self doubt. The result is that too often we feel like shit, we feel helpless and sad. Trapped in a cycle with no end.
There are two things that you must understand to learn how to break out of this unhealthy cycle. The first is that how you are feeling represents what you are thinking. When you think good thoughts you feel positive. When you think bad thoughts you feel blue. Simple as that.
The second thing is that thoughts attract similar thoughts. Think about it- don’t you fall into that current of negativity due to many accumulating negative thoughts? It’s never just one bad thought, is it? And how do you pull yourself out of that dark place? Isn’t it by thinking one happy thought after another? Don’t these happy thoughts lead to more positive thoughts that change the way you’re thinking and then change the way you feel? Like thoughts attract like thoughts.
Here’s a demonstrative example: You and someone close to you fight and now you’re not on speaking terms. You start thinking “Oh why did I have to be so stubborn”, “Why was I so annoying”, “Things aren’t looking good for us”, “I am no good to anyone” ... Do you realize how powerful these thoughts are ? You are putting out there that “things aren’t looking good for you and that you are no good.” Your negative thoughts are escalating, they are attracting more thoughts of self loath and hate; you are literally digging your own grave.
But then, when you’ve fallen so deep you don’t even worry about anything because everything is already screwed, you may start thinking “What now?”, “Maybe I’ll go watch something” or “Oh I want some chocolate”, “I can get some chocolate for my sibling or parent too”, “Mmmm this is good chocolate” ... And as you shift your thoughts away from the negativity and start focusing on good stuff, the clouds in your head lighten up and guess what? You start attracting more good stuff. God, you even feel good. You’ve learned, you’ve grown. You’ve learnt your lesson and outgrown the situation. You have pulled yourself from the darkness of your mind and created your own light. All it takes is firstly to stop the flow of negativity (which finally happened when you thought it couldn’t get any worse) and secondly to intentionally draw you attention to good stuff. You can set the wheel of happy thoughts into motion by thinking of a funny meme or listening to your favorite music or thinking of a cute baby animal or recalling that this person close to you is still there for you; the ways to get back on track are infinite, you just have to tap into that ocean.
The moral of the story is to know that you are in control of what you think and how you feel. All it takes is one thought in the right direction.
The last blog post titled “It’s time you loved all of your body” ( ) is dedicated to discovering how to change the way you think of your body. This post explores the secret of how to take control of your thoughts to get into a mentally better state. But we’ve only scratched the surface. There is so much more to your thoughts and actions and the power they have over your life both in a positive and negative way. Excited to share more with you, subscribe to get notified about new posts.
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