You forget, you have been created

 How does life prosper in non-traditional parts of the Earth? 

How do things work without bill and decree? 

How is a magnificent sight like the colorful crowded marketplace possible, and beautiful? 

Photographed and painted, written about and sung aloud; this inspirational chaos that governs the marketplace, once a sign of human civilization, is a wonder. 

People walking and talking, buyers and sellers immersed in their craft and children observing human activity with big eyes. 

Produce and products moving from one hand to the other, some landing on the ground marking their tradesman’s stand… 

Although dirty and smelly- both traits that mark the existence of living beings- the place is prosperous. People are attaining goods, people are making money. Children are learning and elderly are being helped. 

This, however, does not comply with what we have learnt and known about the world and how it works. Don’t things work and “flow” when people are self-disciplined, organized and timely? 

How do things then work without higher regulation? 

How is this place more lively than say, a bank? 

How is the sight of loud people attractive?

To cut to the chase, the simple answer is that the marketplace is natural. Here, there is God, Allah. This  is why there is beauty in it.

We work day and night pretending to be a god, giving out orders and making up laws. But who are we? We may have learned, studied and observed but we do not know the world as its Creator does.  

Haven’t you wondered why we are less happy today? Devouring self-help books and crying over movies, always hungry for happiness and emotion? 

Obviously, the world we have created for ourselves is not right for us. Look around. it’s not right for other creatures around us, either. 

So how do you find your world, your happy place? Your nature? 

You can try and imitate nature as you see it; take it slow like a tree, grow through dirt like a flower… This is the visual approach that our mind can understand. Draw analogies, see how others are living. We’ve always done it this way- but has it really worked? No. It hasn’t worked for more than a few dedicated minutes; failed at default.

The other way is to embrace your nature. You are the flower, the tree; you are the earthling. You like to forget that the laws of nature govern you, too. You tell yourself that your expiring will is your destiny. A sunflower that refuses to face the sun to maybe then become a rose.

You are nature, you have been created.

You have been planted and watered, so all you have to do is sprout proudly. Do your best to find water and seek the sun. Leave the rest in your God’s hands. Let Him in your being, you will be beautiful! 


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