Don’t Follow your Heart or your Head (:

 People we feel comfortable around, such as family and friends have a special place in our heart. This means, that the heart is loyal to what it is familiar with. More often than not, we take decisions that we are used to, instead of taking the truly right decisions. Notice the difference? 

We have all asked ourselves how and why a person ends up in toxic relationships again and again. Partly, it is because these situations are the most familiar to them. They feel a certain level of comfort within these relationships! 

The heart lies in the comfort zone. And the hearts greatest enemy is fear. Fear of confrontation, fear of rejection and fear of loss, just to name a few. In fear of the future, a bad turn of events, we retake previous decisions. Because we know the outcome, at least. But this leaves little room for change. To overcome fear and grow outside your comfort zone, take a leap of faith. Faith. So many people seek professional help to restore their faith. Faith in themselves, faith in other people and faith in the world.

To have faith in change, you have to realize that your heart does not always tell you the right things. The heart, just like the brain, falls back on past experiences. Thus, it is hard to introduce new thoughts and physical change. But it is not impossible. Wether you want to start with  challenging the fear of the unfamiliar, or want to enhance your faith first, the beauty of the process is it’s personal approach to you and your heart. While growing your heart, remember to believe in yourself, have faith and keep a positive attitude (you’ve heard this a million times for a good reason). 

To finish this off I would like to point out, that is not so unfortunate that the heart clings to your comfort zone. A heart that thrives in a day-to-day environment, keeps a healthy relationship strong and flourishing. With this in mind, are you ready to grow? 


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