Ever since we split nation and religion, the countries of the Middle East have had to face terrorism.

We must stop following the governmental and economic models of other countries. We must start looking into our own affairs, document and collect data to come up with an effective development plan that is straightforward, sincere and good for the people. 

Building million dollar hotel and business complexes to attract wealthy businessmen is a successful economic model in the United Arab Emirates. But it’s not the best plan for Egypt. As an Egyptian, I don’t get why we borrow money to build luxury buildings to fund our national development projects, when the money we borrow can be directly invested in what we need the most. Must I remind you what that is? We need the money pumping into education and education and education. Because how can a nation live in wealth, when it’s people work minor jobs to survive instead of working to improve their material wellbeing? We must start seeing jobs not as means to make ends meet but as personal projects to add capital value to our lives. And it all starts with receiving information on how to operate in this modern world, or in other words, education. And I am not talking about adopting a schooling system from Finland. I am talking about developing an education system that is concise, to build skilled individuals of all ages, fit for jobs that are in demand on a national and international scope.

Another failed imported concept is the division of affairs of the state and religion. This may work in Europe and America, but not here. In several countries this has only lead to the loss of identification with the nation. The people don’t see themselves represented. It has lead to distrust in our representatives and it has lead to split souls. It has lead to individuals discriminating against other religions in an effort to find their own. The result of seperating nation and religion has broken the people on several levels, starting in the heart and ending with the government. 

Splitting nation and religion has created terrorism as we know it now. Extremely radical believers, seeking to find a home. Looking for representation and guidance which official entities failed to supply. 

I found a book at home called “An Arab Philosophy of History” about Ibn Khaldun’s* Prolegomena (AlMuqaddimah) on Social Sciences, translated by Charles Issawi. Already the first few pages suggested religion to be the strongest facet to provide social solidarity. Social solidarity or “‘esabia” lies in the heart of Ibn Khaldun’s general and political Sociology, as Issawi highlights. Religion as a means to social solidarity replaces primitive tribal solidarity and unites people from different backgrounds, namely from Central Asia to Spain, under one roof.

Now we understand that splitting nation and religion has born terrorism in the Middle East. Now we understand that successful development models are never as effective when they are blindly copy and pasted from one country to another. 

Now, we can design an authentic development model that helps the unique people of each nation.

The development of its people should rightfully and logically be each governments highest priority, because even granting equal rights to vote and obtain high positions won’t lead to democracy, when the people are hungry, poor and mal educated. Such policies for democracy, which certain politicians are forcing upon communities, just create foul gaps in the national political system and more space for manipulation, seeing as the people are dependent on outside help to live and make ends meet. We need a deliberate social development plan that is set for relief, inclusion, safety and freedom. A plan that ensures chances in life and opportunities to succeed. Namely, a plan for social solidarity. It’s not so hard, a 17-year-old could do it. 

Points to take with you:

  • Ever since we split nation and religion, the countries of the Middle East have had to face terrorism. 
  • Development plans cannot be imported, they have to be carefully designed and tailored to fit the target. 
  • Before we can develop the country we have to develop the people.

Read also “Don’t just tolerate but RESPECT other cultures”: https://heyjoude.blogspot.com/2020/12/dont-just-tolerate-but-respect-other.html

Watch it herehttps://youtu.be/Zmr9ON4Q86w 


*Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) an Arab scholar, social scientist, philosopher and historian who has been described as the founder of the modern disciplines of historiography, sociology, economics, and demography. 

Find some of his books here: https://www.amazon.com/Books-Ibn-Khaldun/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AIbn+Khaldun


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