Why 7 years are 5 years and definitely not 10 years
There is this not-so-mathematical perception of numbers, where numbers feel closer to certain others and further from other numerals. For example 3 oftentimes feels closer to 1 and further from 5, although mathematically to reach 1 and 5 from the number 3 you equally have to add/remove 2.
This perception I find is strictly relative. Relative to what it is we are counting, as well as other factors. If we are counting years, then I find that the perception of 3 being closer to 1 and further from 5 applies.
Without further elaboration, would you agree ?
Now to our topic... Lately in ethics we were counting years, talking about the path we want to take in life. This path was divided into periods of seven years, according to The Seven Year Cycles of Life. For many of us, we’ve already completed our 0-7 year cycle, and the 7-14 year cycle- and are now in the 14-21 year cycle, if not already over it.
The first cycle (0-7 years) can undoubtedly be referred to as our childhood. The 7-14 cycle I dare name the teenage years now, taking into account how fast the younger generations are maturing compared to 10 years ago. And the 14-21 year cycle is called the self realization cycle.
And this Cycle, relative to our psychological states of being and our life on this planet, tells us that 7 is closer to 5 and further from 10 (not just mathematically).
Let’s say you’re 21 or 42.
You’re at a certain point in life. Five years later you’re very likely to be at the same place. Namely entering the working field (21-26 years) or still setting a new course for your life (43-48 years). Two years after, at the age of 28 or 50, you’d still be at the same point in life, although more stable perhaps. This is why 7 years is quite like 5 years.
But 7 years is nowhere near 10 years.
10 years after entering the working field at 21 you’re very likely to be 31 and have your own office and a well paid position. Unlike your situation at the age of 28.
And at 53 you’re probably making big vacation plans rather than organizing your life like three or ten years before (at the age of 50 and 43).
Simply put, five years is within The Seven Year Cycle of Life. Whereas in ten years you’d already have entered the next cycle of your life. To figure out when a cycle traditionally starts and ends, divide the years of age into multiples of 7, starting with 0 years. A last example: 60 is more like 57 and less like 63!
At 63 (7x9) many people experience a new stage of life that is unlike the 7 years before. At 63 people go into pension, become grandparents and so much more.
I find that the concept of The Seven Year Cycle of Life does deliver an answer to why numbers, unaffected by their mathematical relations, can be perceived in a relative way. Albert Einstein would surely have something to say about this, what do you ? Write me in the comments (:
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