Difference Completes (observations of a student)
I’m a senior at my school now. After several years of going to school with my friends and classmates, learning day after day, I finally see the end of this road called school education. At the end of this road theres a crossroad. That’s where we will be when we graduate. Then, it is up to each individual to pick their route and walk their path. What I find most fascinating, is that there is an incredible variety in the fields of interest to study. No three people of whom I talked with expressed any desire to study the same subject. Even on a bigger scale, their goals and ideal lifestyles are very very different. And I can’t help but admire the individual and the differences.
I don’t even want to imagine how this world would look like if we would want the same things. How monotonous and one-sided would everything be!
How monstrous and tiring would competition in every aspect of life be.
Indeed, it is the differences that make life enjoyable. It is the differences that complete and connect our world.
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