How I Perfect my Work-Life Balance and do everything I want (motivational)
School seems to creep over your everyday life, pushing back fun, hobbies and physical and psychological care. You don’t have enough time and feel stressed and exhausted. Relatable?
Here are a few ways to take control of your life and find the time to do everything you want- not just have- to do.
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- Get a life
Before you take control of your life, decide what kind of life you want. Have a goal.
Take the time to thoroughly think about the best version of your life. What kind of person would you be ? What would you be doing ?
Decide on your goal and the road to take.
- Get a life into vision
Now break that big plan into smaller fragments. Set your life into years, months, weeks, days and hours!
Look at the couple of miles ahead of you.
- Design your Day
From the very beginning of each new day, wake up with a positive attitude. A smile should be enough to lift your spirits. Get rid of any negativity that is coming from your own self. Such bad energy will only push back the good and the productive in your day. You are in control of the “how are you today”. Why would you feel down like yesterday?
Now, fill up the 24 hours ahead of you. You are in charge of making this day an opportunity to grow, heal and learn. The day doesn’t end after eat sleep work- no ! You can do so much more, whatever you want; you just have to have some willpower, discipline and time management.
To manage your time effectively and structure your day you can get a calendar or any useful tool to help you stay on track. It sure does help me.
- Master change
Change is the only constant in our lives. Change happens all the time, all around us. Changes can mess up your long and short term plans, but it’s all about playing the change!
The secret is to always change your plan. As you progress into your day, constantly tweak and improve your plan. This is how you stay on top of your game.
- A little for everyone
Procrastination, laziness and lack of self motivation make you neglect seven really important elements of your life.
School, sports, health, hobbies, body, mind and soul.
To balance your life is to equally pursue each of the seven elements on a daily basis and harvest growth in each of these fields.
Every day you want to:
- Check off at least one assignment.
- Complete at least 7000 steps.
- Have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables.
- Use your time to read or draw or make music or dance or write or cook or clean or spend time with family, friends and pets.
- Take care of your body, cleanse your mind and the nourish your soul.
- Take a step back
When going after your plans for the day and getting things done, a big part of your productivity comes from taking a step back. I personally get so caught up with the things I’m doing, I forget about other things I have to do. So when taking a step back, for me when praying, I get a chance to gather my thoughts. On one hand I get fresh ideas about the task at hand, because I took a step back. On the other hand I recollect things I’ve forgotten to do, because I took a step back.
Needless to say on some days I’m a sloth. But that too is essential to being productive and creative. So my last tip: Breaks are good! But keep them b r e a k s
As the dictionary says: a pause in work or during an activity or event.
So not a state of being. A state of being is being productive, active, healthy and wealthy. And that’s your job.
So these were a few of my top tips to manage your time and be able to do everything you want to do. Hope this was helpful and motivational (:
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