It’s time you loved all of your body

“A part of your body you love.
A part of your body you learn to love.
A part of your body that makes you one of a kind. “
Hey, my loves! Lately I’ve seen that body image has once again become a center of concern, and one must ask- but is it ? Is my body a concern? 
Before you answer please read this article about your body. 

Your body is your how to self love.
Your body is your lessons worth sharing. 
Your body is your path to growth.

I talk a lot about growth here on my blog, so allow me to thoroughly explain what I mean by this simple word once and for all. It stands for the elevation and advancement of one’s perceptions, thoughts and actions. Growth. 

And when I say your body is your path to growth, then I imply that it is your duty to take that acne-prone, cracked- heels road to growth. However that road, your body, may look like, a few things are facts: 
Your body is unique, like no other and thus your struggles and beauties contextualize.
No body lives up to current standards; standards set to make money off of people, resulting in them looking all the same. Although the spectrum of beauty standards is reaching new horizons, the fixed idea burnt in brains about the perfect look makes beauty standards in general a road full of mental and physical hurting. So let’s just throw beauty standards over a cliff and focus on your beauty. 

Your beauty is unique and is activated once you step into yourself. Quoting the famous Coco Chanel on the matter:
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. 

The idea is not to love yourself forcefully, but to love being yourself. To love being yourself is sans expectations. To love being yourself is full of appreciation and gratitude for your life, your mind and your body. To love being yourself includes the other humans in your life, who, let’s face it, help and show you how to love and appreciate you. But eventually loving being yourself has to come from within. 
So how is that achieved? How do you love being yourself? The recipe has not been perfected, that is up to you, but the concept lays on firm foundation: 
Let’s start with your body, work ourselves from the outward in. 
There are three parts to your body. 

A part of your body you love.
A part of your body you learn to love.
A part of your body that makes you one of a kind. 

Think about it. What parts do you love? What parts do you learn to love? What parts are unique to you? 
Include skin, eyelashes, limbs, neck and shoulders next to our classics, the eyes, nose, mouth, hair, ears and well, the body. 

The parts you love: Accentuate them. 
Do not necessarily expose them, but gracefully pronounce them. Make them more noticeable when you be- when you behave, talk, dress, take pictures. When you pay attention to the parts of your body you love, people around you will too. And when people around you remark the parts you love that will only amplify onto you. A beautiful cycle, started by yours truly, will be set into motion full of forehand love and affection. 

The parts you learn to love: Invest in them.
Give them love and attention. Think about them, consider, regroup. Develop a connection that goes beyond the coastlines and form a sense of gratitude and love for the fact that these parts are functional and that you are healthy and well and that these parts usually go against mainstream standards and thus render you unique. As you learn to love even the most repellent parts of your body, you’ll notice how you will find yourself more beautiful. As if that has to be said. But what has to be said is that these features are only repellent in your eyes. Oh how close-minded our little mind is. We do not listen to what people tell us, a kind compliment gone with the noise of our thoughts, corrupt by our biased perceptions... 

The parts of your body that make you unique: Understand them. 
In many if not most cases these are the parts of your body which you are learning to love. How does understanding work? It means being informed about your features. Why are my eyebrows shaped like that? Which parent do I resemble more? Understanding the why and how of your build is interesting. When something arouses your interest you give attention to it and you invest in it.

The parts of your body you learn to love and you are investing in are the parts of your body that make you one of a kind. 
Love and understanding- which comes first? That is up to you. 

From the outward in- remember? The coming blog posts will- inshaa Allah- be about your inner makeup. A post bound to be oozing with love and growth. Thank you for the read, enjoy. 



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