Spending your birthday in quarantine? Here’s how to make it special!

Spending your birthday in quarantine? Here’s how to make it special, unforgettable and -hold on tight- fun ! 

The first thing to do is to start with yourself (It’s not hard or exhausting; quit that quarantine laziness). 
I want you to wake up excited.
How? Simply look forward to said day. Make a list of things you want to do so that you wake up with clear goals ahead of you. This will give you a sense of purpose and at the end of the day a sense of achievement, which you are missing locked in your house. 
Do not sleep in. I’m sorry, set an alarm and shake up that routine! I want you to experience something new. Catch the sunrise of the morning, folks. 
Moreover I want you to indulge when taking your meals. Breakfast, wether self made or served on a celebratory platter, should be a feast! Same goes for lunch and dinner. Have desserts. Eat with your family. I hope you haven’t given up on family time? Appreciate it on your special day, yalla. 

  • Start with yourself:
  1. Look forward to your birthday 
  2. What do you want to do ?
  3. Shake up routines 
  4. Indulge and appreciate the little things
  5. Family

Now here is some inspiration for the goals of your birthday:
Are you turning 16 ? 17? 18+? 61? Hollywood has got your back! Watch a movie that celebrates your age. 
Then, get creative and create something. This includes painting, tiktoking, rookie vlogging and having a photo shoot. 
Don’t forget that baking a cake is highly encouraged too. 
Do a spiritual thing. Don’t you want to find that peace of mind, that inner sublime and higher self? Prayer, meditation, yoga, naps, whatever helps your relax. Do that in the middle of the day, anytime from 12pm-7pm ( This is when things are most hectic and you lose focus on what this day is all about).

  • Your goals:
  1. Entertainment
  2. Creative work 
  3. Spirituality 

Family and friends are always welcome to join in; talk to them, encourage one another. Which brings me to my final point. On your birthday I want you to feel fulfilled and blessed. To achieve this goal do not hesitate to lend a helping hand. Wether it’s helping in the kitchen or sacrificing and going out to run errands. You are bound to enjoy it. 

After all, isn’t birthday about celebration and celebration about enjoyment ? Isn’t enjoyment about being together* and being together* about feeling good, appreciated and loved ? 

  • Your birthday:
  1. Celebration 
  2. Enjoyment 
  3. Being together*
  4. Feels 

*being together: within an WHO approved distance from one another and/or virtually together. 



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